How Can GenAI be assembled?

The future of AI could be assembled by various types of wisdoms in pieces: open-source models, infrastructures, tools, magical new devices, smartest brains (both silicon and carbon-based) , and voices from all walks of life. A better place of future’s GenAI won’t gurantee dominance by any particular player but will ensure a more open, divesified and globally representative environment.

That’s why we present “GenAI Assembling” to you. This platform brings together diverse voices, findings, and opinions (may not be always objective) about GenAI. We particularly advocate for open-source achievements, AI devices splashes and bringing attention to overlooked GenAI practitioners around the world. With a longer term perspective, here will be a community for AI “assemblers” .

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Shape, write, build, contribute.
Just a community creator in AI, scribbling about AI stuff, and dipping my toes into native AI development. Sucessful journalist entrepreneur in Chinese tech community but new obsession is to reshape all stuffs up with AI.